Why Farm Animals?

Why Farm Animals?

Why did we choose to dedicate Blue Ridge Rescue Barn specifically to rescuing farm animals? Here’s our short answer: while pets like dogs and cats often capture the spotlight in animal rescue, farm animals urgently need our attention and care, too. 

The Plight of Farm Animals

It’s startling to know that 97% of the 10 billion animals tortured and killed each year are farm animals.* For us, this isn't just a statistic; it's a call to action. So many of these animals are trapped in the industrial farming machine, living in overcrowded, dangerous, and unsanitary environments. This life strips them of their natural behaviors and the joy of simply being animals – the creatures they were meant to be. Our mission is to change this narrative for as many animals as we can, offering them a true sanctuary where they can finally breathe, roam, socialize, and live as they should.

A Second Chance at Life

At Blue Ridge Rescue Barn, we believe every animal deserves a second chance. Our sanctuary is more than just a place of refuge; it's a home where these animals can heal and show us who they really are - curious, playful, loving, and full of personality. Each animal here tells a story of resilience, teaching us about the strength of spirit, the power of connection, and the will to survive.

Raising Awareness and Compassion

Our work here goes beyond rescue and care. It's about opening eyes to the realities of modern agriculture and its impact on these gentle beings. By fostering connections between humans and farm animals, we create a shift in perspective, one encounter at a time. We help people see that animals are not just numbers in a system; they are individuals with emotions and social bonds, just like the dogs and cats and other pets we care for. (And just like us humans, too!) Through education and advocacy, we aim to inspire a community of kindness and respect towards farm animals.

Join Us in Making a Difference.

Choosing to support farm animal rescue is a powerful stance against cruelty and indifference. Each visit, donation, follow, and word of support helps us continue our work and spread our message. Farm animals may not have the same voice as domestic pets, but with your help, we can be that voice for them. Together, we can ensure a brighter future for these incredible, worthy creatures. 

*Stats from Last Chance for Animals

Rescuing farm animals is essential not only for their well-being but also for raising awareness about the ethical implications of industrial farming.

Each resident at our sanctuary has a unique story of resilience and survival, showcasing the individual personalities and emotions of farm animals that often go unnoticed. Through education, advocacy, and fostering the incredible human-animal connection, we aim to shed light on the importance of treating farm animals with kindness and respect. 


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